Simple Ways Your Web Traffic Will Increase

 One of the major challenges you might be facing as a website owners is how to increase your website traffic. How do you drive new visitors to your website and hopefully convert these visitors to potential customers?

The era of build it, they will come is long gone and they know it.

The conventional process people often use when designing their website flows like this:

1. You design the layout and information architecture of your website.
2. You launch the site and wait for the traffic to start flowing.
3. You start to panic because there's little or no visible traffic from search engines.

Today, people need to find your website and they majorly do so using any of the major search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo.

On a monthly basis over 10 billion searches are performed on Google alone. The web space is now all about competition and who get noticed first. In order to drive traffic to your website, you need to properly position your website so that it can be found not only on search engines but practically almost everywhere.

You can get your share of the traffic on the internet if you decide to follow these simple guides. The best part of it is that they are low-cost techniques that you can use to drive traffic to your website.

Press Release:
Schedule a press release with your local print media and tell the public about your services or products and why it is so good. Remember to highlight the reasons why your services or products are better than your competitor's. If you are able to have a journalist as a friend, this makes it a lot easier.

Be Social:
Social feeds are a vast field of potential clients. With over a billion users on Facebook alone, it is a gold mine that should be tapped into. So create a page for your brand on Facebook, get on Twitter and also LinkedIn. Pick the best social medium for your brand and focus your energy on building followers on it. Research into where your customers are likely to be found and create a presence there.

Brand Signature:
Add your signature to all your correspondences. Your signature should always include your website address, your own name, social media links, email address and contact phone numbers. Remember to always include this in your emails and on your complimentary cards.

Posting on forums:
Identify a forum where your clients are likely to visit and contribute regularly to it. Register an account there and engage your users. Answer questions and help people solve their problems. Remember, it is not about promoting yourself initially. When you help people out, they start to take interest in you and will visit your website to find out more about you.

Write Articles:
Write articles and submit to articles directories. There are popular articles directories that people visit when looking for information. Submit your articles to this directory. Write topic provoking articles or articles that have been well researched.

Search Engine Optimization:
If you have the technical capability, you can either do an in-house optimization or you can outsource. Search Engine Optimization is a process whereby you make your website more visible on search engines. This way if someone does a search for a product you offer, your website is likely to show up on the search engines result page. Remember the more ranking you get on these search engines, the more traffic it sends to your website.

Submit your website to online directories. There are free and paid directories. Do a Google search for directories and you will be sure to find one. Make sure you submit your website's URL to the appropriate category. Example of a directory you can submit your website to is Yahoo directory.
